Final Chapter - Ch.3

We see that she-Z- starts travelling, and tries growing plants on tiny patches of barren land. She is focused, she doesn’t think about anyone. Months pass, and people know her. Whenever she is needed they call upon her and she goes, glad to be of some help. In the meantime J can be seen. He has become cruel. He is ruthless and expands his kingdom. He organizes fights and murder for public pleasure and takes great pleasure in presiding and controlling such displays. He kills many people and feels powerful. But he always keeps track of Z’s whereabouts. He knows what she does. Don’t ask me how – he just does.

Z on the other hand knows what he is upto, and in an attempt to get away from it all starts focusing a lot more on her powers and travels farther away, not coming back for days together. On one such trip, he decides to accompany her – and this is where they end up , the scene from the previous chapter.

We see a lot of Z as she tries to help rebuild the green cover that seems lost everywhere. She seems to struggle with her powers, and fears losing them. J holds her hand, and seems to transfer some of that energy into her, she gets all green and glowy. But J seems pained each time they do this. And he leaves as soon as he does so.

We leave Z here for a while and move to J’s story.
 J is having fun as usual. Z doesn’t seem to be there. And J meets some weird dude (all farmer like complete with pitchfork) in one of his pub like establishments. Apparently that farmer dude turns out to be powerful and makes J invisible. So J can walk around but he can only interact with the dead as part of the deal. He can still control people, but they can’t fear something they can’t see. He loses interest in it, and interacts with all the people he helped kill. However, now that they are already dead, they feel no fear, no anger and no pain. They hardly pay attention to him. He feels small and lonely. We see him a few times looking at a field, sitting on its edge.

Then suddenly we are in some kind of zoo.

Apparently this is also a part of the responsibilities handed over to J the reaper(new job description?). He has to take care of the Zoo where all dead animals come and get sorted out. Here he is tiny, and God help him if he falls into one of the enclosures. As luck would have it, once he slips and falls into the lizard enclosure. The lizards are slow on the upkeep and once they realize who is in with them try to swallow him up. All the animals talk. It felt like the Animal farm, but with happy undertones. This part of the dream was a nice relief after all that emotion.  Anyway – this fall leads to a hilarious chase with lizards, lions , elephants and other creatures trying to help, eat , kill , save him all at the same time. He runs and jumps and finally gets out. As though the farmer guy has had enough of this chase, he transports J back into his own world. There J sees Z . It has been long. He can’t hold it in. He bows down, sits right on the muddy ground and watches her with pained eyes.

We go back in time. We see that Z’s power had actually been taken away by J to make his mind control stronger. And each time he held her hand he tried to take some more. However this was an exchange so she got some more plant healing tears from it, and his killing aura became stronger. As a side effect to all of this, she forgot a little of him. So each time he held her hand, it was like she was forgetting him more. He realized what was happening, and although he feels horrified, he doesn’t stop (thus the pained expression). We see that after the exchange he would cry to himself, while staring at her from afar – she wouldn’t know he was there. And as he cried so did the heavens, and as she sang, the plants grew.

He tried to make some of the plants grow more, but only succeeded in killing them, and gave up on it.

Each time she healed, wherever she traveled - he would be there, sobbing his heart out, knowing she didn’t love him anymore, knowing that he had caused this and that she didn’t even know that he existed.

It hurt him more to know that it was his fault – his foolish young pride and ambition that made him loose her, and that Batman was right.

Speaking of Batman – we see that one day, during these transitions – she barely knows J now- she is out with the woman who was whispering(new friend! Yay!) , and that she is getting ready to go on a date. J gets to know and can barely control his anger, he looks even more sickly than before, with his green hair and frowny face. To his rage he sees that the guy she is meeting is Batman, sans mask. He confronts Batman, who tries explaining that letting her go would be in her best interests, and that J must not ruin her life any more than he already has. J will have none of it, and forces Batman to leave, making Z think he stood her up.

She takes it in her stride though, and never goes on anymore dates, instead focusing on her work with an intensity never felt before. Her hair turns copper, and her eyes a clear green. She has changed a lot. As though in a last exchange, J holds her hand, and once it ends, we see her – happy and strong and shining in the sun- altered, with no memory of what had happened.She looks at J and innocently asks him who is he and why was he here. He introduces himself and says he likes watching her work.
She smiles, she has completely forgotten him now, and goes back to her work, this time growing a batch of trees rapidly.

She looks up and sure enough the clouds gather. And then she notices him. J hasn’t moved from his place. His tears fall, and plants begin to grow around him . She walks upto him confused, and hands him an umbrella. She starts realizing that the rains were because of this green haired weirdo.

She feels like she knows him.

And thus they begin to talk again, with J being careful, cautious to not make her mad at him, and she immensely curious about him.

And then I woke up because hunger trumps everything. :D
Will let you know if I remember anything else.

PS: Leave a comment about you liked or didn’t like in the story!

PPS: Now I feel like this could be a different origin story for the Poison Ivy (although this whole story was pretty weird with everyone growing trees. Meh)


There was something nice about the ending. Like a fresh green shoot popping out of a crack in the wall. Hopeful note.. Nice
Dragon Rider said…
Yeah... Thankfully it ended.. :p Thanks for reading!

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